Age Spot

I found an age spot this morning.

I wanted to laugh about it, but it’s freaking me out. I don’t want to be old. I’m 30. That’s not even half of what my grandparents lived to be. I was banking on 82 at least…

Chris says I’m not old. He’s right, of course, but I am quite vain. I’m also irritated I have freckles I didn’t used to have. It’s like they just popped up overnight. I’ll be going to Ulta and buying some skin bleach this evening… But I also want to go to a dermatologist… I don’t like new things popping up on my skin. Had skin cancer once… not about doing it again.

Speaking of the weekend, I had a lovely one.

Friday night Chris and I went to Parker to see 90% 90s play a new venue. It was a riot. It’s a cute little bar made out what was obviously a garage at one point. The drinks were cheap but strong, and the demographic was older… like 50+. Watching those people boogie down to No Diggity and Waterfalls was hysterical. They played a lot of classic rock, like AC/DC too. After some drinks we left around 1030, because Chris had to work in the morning. But we sang to Bon Jovi and hit Village Inn on the way back. It was nice.

Saturday I picked up Robyn and we went downtown for the Cinco de Mayo festival at Civic Center Park. I wore a skull print halter dress that I almost never wear, and a black tophat with a red silk rose and a cobweb veil down the back. I was adorable. I thought I’d feel out of place, but we kept seeing people dressed for the Denver Derby, so between their big ass hats and feathers, and the spoof outfits of Star Wars characters going to derby, I actually didn’t feel that out of place. Got a lot of compliments, too. We did a lap around the park, got some tacos, pet a cane corso that someone brought, then hit the train back home to hit some comic book shops for Free Comic Book Day. Scored a bunch of clearance graphic novels at 2nd & Charles. Had a great day with the bestie.

Saturday evening Addi wanted to come say hi after she and Chris took Koopa to the dog park by my place. She likes Bdo a lot, and Frankie. Things were fine, except that when I let Kyrie and Kira in she panicked. Full blown crying panic. She’s scared of Kira.

Now. Full disclosure: she should be. BUT I’ve gone to great lengths to make sure Kira is not threatening to her and that she hasn’t exhibited threats to Koopa or Chris. The only aggression she’s exhibited is barking, and I told her that when Kira barks she wants space. But this spoiled ass little girl starts bawling and yelling about keeping Kira away from her… and Kira didn’t even care that she was there, much less have interest in attacking her.

So… I told Addi that if she’s scared of Kira they had to leave, because this is Kira’s home. My goal was to make her suck it up a little bit. I get tired of all the things this child is scared of. It’s literally everything. I didn’t really expect Chris to load her and Koopa up to leave, though. I thought maybe he was mad at how I handled that situation… but it turns out he was just hungry and hadn’t planned on stopping by anyways. Lol.

Sunday I went to the grocery with mom, and then we came home and watched Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile on Netflix, because my mom knows I love serial killer stuff, and seeing Zac Efron as Ted Bundy was an interesting experience. It’s not REALLY about Bundy, though. It’s about his girlfriend, Liz, and what life is like when someone you love does terrible things. It was really good. During the movie mom made us pork chops with potatoes, which were bomb. And afterwards we watched Tom Segura and chatted and stuff.

I was supposed to go on a walk with Chris, Addi, Koopa, Bdo, and Kira, but it fell through. I was kind of glad, since my body still hurt from Saturday. My plan was that if Addi saw Kira more she’d be less scared, but also to talk to her about Kira and how Kira is super scared of things. Since Kira is scared, she barks, because she knows that barking tends to keep things she’s scared of away, and that she was scared of Addi. I thought maybe they could bond over being scared of everything or something. That’s honestly still the plan, but I think if Addi had freaked out on Sunday I’d have snapped at her instead of talked to her. So… better I got to rest.

And that brings us to today, and my age spot, and some new freckles, and my brand new fear of sunlight. YAY.

I’m stopping at Ulta for bleaching cream, and Kings for spf 50 sunscreen as well as trash bags and laundry soap… UGH I hate being an adult.